The VitArt.Gallery: Essence & Origin

What: The VitArt.Gallery has a ​scent of a unique blend of art, folklore, and science, with a special emphasis on the Theory of Dynamic Chaos. While we proudly feature the work of independent artists — predominantly from the realm of fine art photography — one standout section is dedicated to the innovative artwork of Vita Solzberg. She introduces "Fractus", a series of mobile sculptures that pay homage to traditional folk art once prevalent across Northern and Eastern Europe..

fine art photography Fractus Expo

Who: Vita Solzberg, the mastermind behind the gallery, is a multifaceted filmmaker. Her expansive repertoire encompasses TV news reporting, journalism, documentaries, feature films, and unscripted reality productions.

Why: Vita's academic journey culminated in a degree in the History and Theory of Fine Arts in 1992 from Belarus—a nation still tethered to Soviet Union legacies. Unwilling to yield to Communist propaganda by critiquing artists for ideological purposes, Vita envisioned a platform where artists were celebrated for their sheer creativity, unfettered by political restraints. This vision materialized when she pioneered the 'Art-Info' TV show on Belarus's inaugural independent TV network post the Soviet era. A series of video projects followed. Today, settled in California, Vita's long-held dream flourishes as VitArt.Gallery—a venture committed to touching souls with art.

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