Essentially Universe. By Vita Solzberg

Artists typically work with a specific technique, exploring forms, ideas, and emotions through their preferred materials. Vita Solzberg, however, chooses to experiment within a particular form, crafting it from diverse materials ranging from paper, plastic, and clay to wood and metal. This process requires a myriad of skills including soldering, wood-burning, carving, weaving, painting, sawing, sculpting, and even crafting from beads. 
Her focus is on eliciting various emotions and expressing distinct ideas by combining different textures and creating a synergy of colors. After all, isn't this synergy reflective of the way our Universe is constructed?

Vita has named this form 'Fractus.' In the language of scientific meteorology, 'Fractus' refers to a small, ragged cloud fragment found beneath a larger cloud base. It forms from, or breaks off from, a larger cloud, often shaped by strong winds into a jagged, shredded appearance. Vita's 3D mobile sculpture, 'Fractus,' represents a small, artistically refined fragment of the Universe in which we reside: a fractal composition made of independent, complex, and identical elements that connect seamlessly at every level of the composition's iteration. Her 'Fractus' is akin to a small cloud that has broken away from the vast Universe of Art.

Vita Solzberg's 'Fractus' is intricately linked to the modern Theory of Dynamic Chaos, even though it was initially inspired by the ancient spiritual folk art of Northern and Eastern Europe, which hols the age-old secret of connecting our existence to a divine realm — a place where dreams manifest into reality.

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Kundalini. Fractus by Vita Solzberg

Kundalini fractus explores the cooperation of colors and shows how the life energy evolves from the lower iterations to the top - from red to violet.
WHD: 17x24x17 inch. Materials: Wood, acrilic paint, rope, beads.